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Total Downloads: 42

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Create API Key

Generate your Binance API Key and Secret.

1. Log in to Binance.
2. Go to API Management.
3. Create a new API with "Enable Spot & Margin Trading".
4. Add your computer's IP in "Restrict access to trusted IPs only".
5. Save the API Key and Secret securely.
Binance Tutorial

2. Download & Extract

Download and extract the bot files.

2. Extract the ZIP file to a secure folder.

3. Run the Bot

Launch the bot executable.

1. Navigate to the extracted folder.
2. Double-click ExodvsBot.exe.

4. Configure API

Enter your Binance API Key and Secret.

1. Open the bot.
2. Fill in the API Key and API Secret fields.
3. Click "Save".

5. Set Parameters

Configure the bot's trading settings.

- Kline Interval: Timeframe for market analysis. (The bot uses 50 klines per analysis, so it's the kline you choose * 50')
- StopLoss: Maximum loss percentage.
- TakeProfit: Target profit percentage.
- Sell RSI: RSI level to sell.
- Buy RSI: RSI level to buy.
- Run Interval: Bot's analysis frequency.

6. Monitor Activity

Track bot performance and operations.

- Logs: Market analysis results.
- Occurrences: Buy/sell operations.
- Uses RSI, Bollinger Bands, and TakeProfit.

7. Important Notes

Key points to keep in mind.

- The bot uses ALL USDT to buy Bitcoin.
- It sells ALL Bitcoin for USDT.
- Make sure you want to operate like this.

8. Join the Community

Connect with other users.

- Join our Telegram group.
- Share your experience with the bot.
- Get support and updates.
Join Telegram

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the bot safe?

Yes, the bot operates with Binance API keys. If you restrict access to your computer's IP address, even if the keys are leaked, only your computer can use the bot.

Is profit guaranteed?

No, the bot is a tool that automates market analysis. You need to configure your strategy using StopLoss and TakeProfit. Profits/losses depend on market conditions and your strategy.

What's the main advantage?

The key advantage is 24/7 market participation. You can go to work/university while the bot operates continuously, maintaining market presence without needing to monitor exchanges.

Does it use all USDT?

Yes, the bot converts ALL available USDT to Bitcoin on buy signals, and ALL Bitcoin to USDT on sell signals. Ensure you only keep the amounts you want to trade in your exchange account.

Is the bot free?

Yes, completely free! The developer benefits from community recognition and potential donations. If you find it useful, consider supporting development:

Support Project